The first way that native Americans got around
Was to put one foot in front of the other on the ground.
Soon they began to use the resources where they lived
Creating means of transportation from what these resources had to give.
For instance, certain tribes discovered that the bark of certain trees
Made lightweight canoes that handle the water with ease.
Other groups tied poles together in a special way
Creating the means to carry their belongings each and every day.
Still others lived in regions where it was very cold a lot
And so created ways to move their belongings from spot to spot.
These are some examples of the genius and imagination
That native Americans used in their quest of transportation.
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Travois
- Sleds
- Toboggan
- Kayaks and Umiaks
- Bark Canoes
- Dugouts
- Snowshoes
- Plank Boats
- Bullboats
- Balsa Boats
- WordSearch Puzzle
- WordSearch Puzzle Solutions
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