Native American Homes

Native American Homes


When asked in what type of homes did native Americans live
Teepees would be the answer that many people would give.

And while it is true that some native Americans lived this way

Teepees weren't the only homes in which native Americans did stay.

For instance, homes in the Everglades were built on stilts

To keep them above water, alligators and silt.

Other homes were built of adobe, a kind of clay

Whose walls shone like gold in the light of the day.

On the Pacific Northwest coast homes were built from huge trees

So large in size they almost blocked out the breeze.

These are just a few descriptions of the homes

That you'll read about and see

That not all native Americans lived in teepees.

Table of Contents


  • Overview
  • Teepe
  • Plank house
  • Longhouse
  • Pueblo
  • Grass house
  • Pit house
  • Chickee
  • Wattle and daub
  • Wigwam
  • Igloo
  • Hogan
  • Word Search Puzzle
  • Word Search Puzzle Solution

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